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9 PUBLIC DOMAIN. 5 EMPTY. 4 Blank"''" 4 FORTH USER GROUP 2 ARCHIVE REVIEW: TERRORMOLINOS. 2 Hints & Tips"''" 2 ALCHNEWS MODIFICATIONS 2 HINTS & TIPS 2 HELP WANTED. 2 REVIEWERS. 2 128k RS232 1 ~What Now?~ 1 ~VentureSoft~ 1 ~The Radio Program is a real gemand well worth paying lots of money for. This was easily by far the best program on the tapeyou sent back to me.~ 1 ~Thanks for the quick service. Iordered some programs on Friday morning, and the return packet dropped through my letterbox on Tuesday morning. Very Quick!~ 1 page=page- 1 page=page+ 1 d*"ALCHNEWS7" 1 Woodhouse"'" 1 USER GROUPS 1 Twice Shy: 1 The Amulet: 1 Thanks to all readers who sent in solutions & problems, especially PAUL LEWIS who sent in loads of tips. What I didn't put in this issue, I will put inthe next. 1 Terrormolinos: 1 South Yorkshire S13 7LN 1 Sheffield"'" 1 SECRET OF ST. BRIDES: 1 SEA OF ZURIN: 1 Review by Paul Lewis 1 QUEST FOR HOLY GRAIL: 1 Programs. Your PD list should give clear info about what the program is about. You should also ensure that the program 1 PRINT to WRITE"'" 1 POKE 3758,192 1 POKE 372,90:POKE 378,92 POKE 383,72:POKE 384,65: POKE 385,76:POKE 386,212 1 PD Section"''" 1 PAW,QUILL,GAC and other packages 1 PAUSE to WAIT"'" 1 LOST CITY: 1 Journey to the Centre of Eddie Smiths Head: 1 Hampstead: 1 HOBBLE HUNTER: 1 HISOFT BASIC,PASCAL,C,GENS 1 GO TO to GOTO 1 Federation: 1 FORTH, PROLOG etc 1 Extricator: 1 Dome Trooper: 1 DAVY JONES LOCKER: 1 Crack City: 1 BEHIND CLOSED DOORS 3: 1 BEEP to BLIP, BURP or RASP!"'" 1 Andy Davis"'" 1 AlchNews appears on the 1st of every quarter (June, September, December, March) to correspond with the seasons. Just send a blank tape & SAE and it will be sent with the latest update of the PD Library Catalogue. 1 AlchNews 8 will be out on June 1st, so ge scribbling! 1 Address page 159 or type 1 AN7C { 1 ALCHNEWS7 1 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH. 1 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH"'" 1 ;"Theres a brief technical page further on which tells you wherethe two fonts are if you'd like to remove them or insert a new one. Theres also some info about customising your copy and saving to disk etc. Instead of making only one copy of AlchNewswhat I'll do is send out the basic magazine, then send out either a 48k interrupt clock or 128 interrupt music seperate from AN so you can put in what you want.": 1 ;"Sit up and take note! And to show you how kind I am, I would like to offer any PD library (reputable or not) a FREE copy of COPYTAPE 2 & COPYTAPE 3, two excellent tape duplicators whichwill handle mixed files upto 48890 bytes long. Just send an SAE and blank tape to the usual address where I will despach a copy to you FREE OF CHARGE within 1 ;"Phew! And they said it would never be made. (Well I thought it wouldn't!) Times are still hard here. I only had about 10 readers for AN6, hopefully it got passed around and on to friends. I hope this readershipis better. You will have noticedANOTHER change in format. Im still using the option strip at the bottom which IS copyrighted,but ive removed the print code and anything else, so it can be run in 128 mode.": 1 ;"P";page; 1 ;"I've been getting quite a lot of letters saying how much people enjoy my PD programs and service, so I thought I'd take a look at the 'competition'. Well, there is'nt any! Lets look at some points which people are unhappy with.... 1 ;"I've been doing a bit of under- cover research and had a few complaints about some pretty unscrupulous PD Libraries. I'llnot mention any names as they know who they are, and to be honest, the service is diabolical. So on the next pageis an open letter to certain PD libraries these allegations belong to...": 1 ;"A.L.C.H.N.E.W.S."; 1 62 Tithe Barn Lane"'" 1 3D CONSTRUCTION KIT 1 3100 IF G$=~H~ OR G$=~h~ THEN POKE 23606,0:POKE 23607,60: STOP 1 10 GOTO 10 1 1) Prices. PD is PUBLIC DOMAIN software and therefore is FREE to the public. The only charge you can make is the duplication fee, which should be no more than 30p each item Mine are 25p or `2 for 10, so should yours be. 1 ."'"If you enclose an SAE, then you are guaranteed a speedy reply.": 1 . If there are any other versions outthere, I'd be glad to include them. I hope to get support fromthe Romanians and a new French contact with links in North Africa. I hope to develop the language and introduce some new commands and routines.": 1 . You are breaching copyright and will be fined by both ELSPA and the magazine it came from, not to mention the author. Are you not aware that ELSPA and FAST recruit undercover 'buyers' to purchase PD? 1 . Even if support isminimal for a particular utilitythen I would be more than happy to put the user group's pages in AlchNews, like with the Multiface User Group (MUGs!) I can alo put your user group's pages in AlchNews if you are unable to enter the data or copewith production. Just send in the edited data and I'll deal with it.": 1 , and ALL Forth systems should include these commands. 1 , his new adventue tapezine. The press release states that he's putting all his work into his new software house 1 * BORDER * 1 "Page:";page: 1 "ALCHNEWS7" 1 "9";"for all your PD"; 1 "8";"A.L.C.H.N.E.W.S."; 1 "7962");" bytes free ": 1 "5";"Software & Information."; 1 "4";"Ish7" 1 "0";"The PD Library has really taken off now, thanks to my wide variety of programs, fast service and LOW prices! A big thankyou to all my customers, both regular and occasional. As most of you will now be awarethe new PD List is now out. The reason I put the PD List in a program is because I don't have a high quality printer. The fact that the list is a Tasword file allows you to load it into Tasword 2 and print it out to your printer. Even if you don't own Tasword, it can be either reformtted to 32 column or printed through the Listing program.": 1 "0";"Sorry, no help available ": 1 "0";"Since the last PD List, we have included a better ~front end~ which now gives a menu at the beginning allowing you to selectthe type of PD programs you wishto look at, so you don't have towatch all the Comms and Utility software if you want to look at the games section."'"We've also removed some of the less popular programs from the list, but we still have them if you'd like them. If we ont have the program on the list then askus, as the PD List shows about 60% of all the PD we own. If we don't have it in stock, we can order it for you.": 1 "0";"P";page; 1 "0";"Heres what one of our customers said about CO17 and our sevice.."''" 1 "0";"Even though comms aren't as popular and more expensive now, we still feature a large selection of communications software allowing almost any kind of hookup you may have, as well as software allowing two Spectrums to 'talk' to each other and swap files. These programs work by local area network as well as over the telephone line, or even by a radio transceiver. Program CO17 can even receive data from weather and other satellites as well as morse code.": 1 "0";"Dear PD Library,"; 1 "0";" MAIN MENU. "; 1 "'''''"S, E, Yes, 2709, Get Briefcase, S, Shout Colonel, Open Cupboard,Take jacket, Wear Jacket, W, S, S, Up, Open Briefcase, Get PlansRemove Jacket, Push Lever, E, S,S, S.": 1 "'''''"For some obscure reason, the original version of A.N.7 has ~vanished~, and this release hassome pages missing. Apologies ifthis includes you."''"Rest assured, I shall scan all my 854 tapes and 200 disks to find it, so you should probably be able to get it by 2004! Sorry": 1 "'''''"Can anyone out there help me with my +2? It works fine in 128 & 48 modes until you run a program which uses interrupts and then it crashes. It also plays up if you type 1 "''''"Sadly, Romantic Robot are not making any more (so they say), so buy one while stocks last. Wehave a couple of new programs inthe PD library along with all our other Multiface programs. The new one allows 7k of anything to be stored, and recalled when you desire. Besides this, there are sometimes programs on magazine covertapes (while mags. last: see page 171).": 1 "''''"Next issue, I will start a series on the RS232 port, and making use of it other than for the printer. If you're interested and would like more information in the meantime, then you can write to Lloyd C/O Alchemist Research. Our addressis accessed via 1 "'''"UT73 is the +3 Custom Rom program. It puts a new version of the Spectrum 48k ROM into theoriginal ROM page, allowing you to alter the ROM. My program copies the original ROM into thenew ROM page and puts in a new font and allows you to alter thecopyright message, alter keywords and error messages! The program does not make this alteration permanent, and even though it survives the NEW command (it can even be disabled!), it will be lost whenRESET is pressed.": 1 "'''"If you own a +3 or +2a and like playing around with m/c then CUSTOM ROM is for you. Before I got rid of my +3 I was workingon putting FORTH or PASCAL into the old ROM area. How about evena totally new basic? If you havewritten one and would like to submit it to the PD Library or even sell it commercially, then get in touch, we take 0% commission, yes I said 0%! Im not here to cash in on you, which is why AlchNews is free and my PD is so cheap!": 1 "'''"He says that the tapezine is strictly for adventurers stuck on their games, with free games,programs and demos, all questions answered and the latest news and views, as well as free adventures (from ALCHEMIST PD) if you subscribe. I've yet to see a copy of ~W.N.~but I guess it'll be like ~A.L.~My advice is to hold off the subscription if I were you due to what happened last time. If you want the adventures, get them from *SPELLUNKLER* or me.": 1 "''"Yes, he's back! The man you thought had run off with your money, tapes and stamps has returned. Joking aside, Alec had to vanish from the ZX world very abruptly and apologises to all his ex-readers. He could have sent me a note explaining why and I would have wrote to his customers, but he didn't. Anyway, he's returned and this time he's brought 1 "''"Well, Im afraid thats all the reviews we have for this issue. My regular reviewer hasn't sent any pages. I don't buy games anymore, so I can't really do any reviews. Apologies to all, but if you'd like to contribute some pages, be it of your favourite game or worst ripoff or anything you want your fellow Specateers to see, send them to the usual address marked~CONTRIBUTIONS~, and I'll send you a couple of PD programs of your choice for your trouble...": 1 "''"We now have 85 listed Utility programs and at least 100 unlisted. Our most popular utilities are the 128k ones, like the suite of 3 programs which explore the 128 more with a 128 colour palette, a simple program to alter the screen colours in 128 BASIC mode, as well as the 128k full Ramdisk catalogue, 2*128's in 1 sidekickand 3*48's in 1 sidekick, not tomention the custom ROM program for the +3/+2a which I wrote, and the +3 disk utilities.": 1 "''"To write a page for AlchNews, all you have to do is just type 1 "''"To overcome this, you can re- define the HELP command to a RETURN TO BASIC COMMAND. All youhave to do is replace line 3100 with this.."''" 1 "''"To find out which version of Forth you have, the start up data at the top of the screen should tell you. If not, type FORTH and see the result. If you are still unsure, then type FORTH-83 or FIG-FORTH and if it says ~OK~ then these commands are included, but if an error occurs, then it is the standard Forth-79. If you have only Forth-79, then don't worry because thats the only version I have. It's very simple to add on the extra commands, and can be saved so all new commands arethere on start-up.": 1 "''"This issue, Im hoping to start the ball rolling in starting up some small user groups for the Spectrum. Some programs in particular that Im looking at are 1 "''"There are several versions of Forth on the market, all basicaly the same, but featuringextra or less commands. The first implementation was 1 "''"The first two pokes alter the 'L' in LPRINT and LLIST to 'Z'. You can even alter it to '*'. The final four pokes alter STOP to HALT. How about some of the following..."'" 1 "''"Thankyou Mr L. Garland and all other customers who thanked us.": 1 "''"Terror being the correct name for this game as thats exactly what your'e in for. If you're hoping to have a nice family holiday with your wife Beryl & kids Ken & Doreen, Think again as your first steps are to get all the family and yourself organises- so don't forget your passport or swimming trunks! Once you have manaed to arrive at the holiday destination, choose your hotel, but only one is the key to success. If you'regoing to wine and dine, either pay the price or be prepared forTerrormolinos revenge....": 1 "''"So if you want a user group to be started for your favourite piece of hardware or software or want to contribute or run a small group, then write to the usual address but mark the top 1 "''"Sadly, due to unforeseen circumstances, and an extremely low readership of AN6, *Spell* only got a few readers. They arenow in negotiation with some advertising deals and some consultation with me about changing format. At the time ofwriting, they are hard at work producing issue two, but if I have any news or release date for you, it will be in their advertisement in the Ads sectionfurther on. If you'd like a copy of issue one of *Spell* then write to the address in theAds section enclosing `1.50": 1 "''"Please also note that the font is at 64252 and a piece of code to allow cursor edit UP & DOWN is at 65023, but is disabled. If enabled, the interrupts will crash any 128 machine.": 1 "''"Im partcularly interested in starting a Forth Usr Group.": 1 "''"If you own UT73, then how about trying some of these tips...."'" 1 "''"I want the service to be totallyFREE. There are two ways it canbe started up..."''" 1 "''"I hereby claim this issue of ALCHNEWS to be 100% Spectrum compatible with ALL 48k machinesupwards. Ive finally done away with any fancy code for printingand it's just the Basic and the one font which allows it to run in any mode, but beware: If you are in 128k mode and break into the Basic, you won't see the listing because the font is in high RAM (page 16) and when you are in the 128k Basic Editor, RAM page 23 is installed....": 1 "''"I had a letter from a Mr. L. Garland a couple of weeks ago asking about a new keyboard for the Spectrum, other than the oldones already out. I myself, don't really know much about thekeyboard, but if anyone else does, or has any information on a buffer to allow a PC style keyboard to be used, get in touch. When this is feasable, wecan then put the Spectrum computer, Multiface, disk drive and any other peripheral like the SoftRom into a seperate console unit.": 1 "''"How many of you own at least two128k machines, or a 128k and a 48k with RS232 capabilities? Well, if you'd like to do some handshaking between the two, we have lots of programs to take advantage of this. Recently, wehave aquired all know SPECTERM programs for virtually any commssetup. Beside this, Lloyd Garland has modified our 128 TX-RX program and come up with a brilliant text-ripper program which will extract all ASCII from one program and export it into the other Spectrum and evensave it as a TAS file!": 1 "''"Get Parachute, Wear parachute, Pull Lever, Pull Cord, Remove Parachute, W, W, Get Branch, Feel Corner, Pull String, Get Beads, E,E,S,S,E,E,N, Give beadsGet Knife, S, Lay Branch, W,N,W,W,S, Kill Guard, Get Gun, Get Torch,S, Read grafitti, S, EnterBoat, Yes,E, Get Rope,D,N,E,E,E,S,E,S,E,W,N,U, Tie Rope to Rock,Tie rope to truck, U, Press Button,D,S, Get Explosives, ReadSign,S,U,W,S, Switch Switch,U, Remove Bulb,Put Exploives,E, Switch Switch,U,S,S,D,Shine Torch into Hole.....": 1 "''"Finally, catch a bus or three and have a good time at the Monastery (Is that allowed? Ed),The bull fight, and taste the Spanish wines."''"A highly enjoyable game althoughit takes a few tries to sort thechaff from the grain."''" 1 "''"Don't forget to alter the error messages which accompany the commands."'"The program also fixes the bugs in the SCREEN$ command, the calculator stack, the PRINT bug and the NMIDD bug which are no longer trouble! You can even 1 "''"As I briefly mentioned earlier, I want to start up a Forth Groupfor any Spectrum compatiable computer running any version of FORTH. The known versions of Forth available are.... 1 "''"A couple of months ago, I got a 'challenge' from a M. Goodman totry and crack this loading system he developed, WITHOUT theaid of a multiface. Upon first glance, the program seems simplebut trying to crack it is another thing entirely! If you are a wannabe hacker and would like to try the challenge,then send a blank tape & SAE to the usual address for the program and what you have to do.The best 'hack' will get `1 PD credit of their own choice.": 1 "''"A couple of enquiries here, and thankyou for the letters asking about the projects return. As in page 131, it would be nice toget some more details on the original 128 keypad, so we can modify a hex keypad to be used in it's absence. All i've managed to do is get a 2 input, 2 output device driven from the keypad port. The two inputs from the 'magic button' device can move forwards and backwards through the pages, like N & B, and pressing both together will take you to the next available sub-menu.": 1 "'"Forth should interest users who like inventing their own commands and custom basics. The language is several times fasterthan basic and is very easy to master."'" Forth was invented in the 1960's by Charles H. Moore who was dissatisfied with the other languages available. FORTH is used to contol many satellites and radars, and Joderell Bank iseven conroled by Foth! Forth is usually regarded as an interpreter language (needing the FORTH OS in memory to run Forth progs), but lik Pascal Im sure there are some Import ForthCompilers.": 1 was the last system to be invented. This featured the commands of both the above versions.": 1 shows many useful locations to alter. The file loads best into FIREVIEW2 or Editview, and the viewdata pages are designed for Fireview.": 1 is the standard reached by the later formed Forth User Group and this group invented some very good, neccessary commands. 1 from themoment it comes through my post box. That should show how dedicated I am to giving a fair deal!": 1 for our address. 1 for a full screen ZX copy, to print all 192 lines,rather than the standard 175. If you'd like to alter more of the ROM, then 1 and then write! When you've filled up a good 15 lines, finish the sentence and then start on line 2 if you wantto write more. Don't worry about the page number or any extra statements on the end, as I'll deal with all that. If youwant to put your own title header on the top, then it is situated on ROW 2 if you break into Basic and take a look."''" 1 and press certain keys. Could itbe the Interrupt line on the Z80? Any help gratefully welcome": 1 and languages like 1 With the skeleton spanner, UNDO BOLTS"'" 1 Wear the suit and enter the inlet on level4, Exam Unit & turn the disc.": 1 Wake the gatekeeper 3 times"'" 1 To Escape the bull- N,E,E,S,S,E,N,N,E,E,NE,E,U"'" 1 Stuck at the beginning"'''" 1 Square Room- Get sandwich,N,N,Rub Amulet."'" 1 Speed. I get about 8-10 letters a day ordering about 20 programs. If I can process the order from 1 hr to 2 days why can't you? If you have to deal with the postage, use GOOD QUALITY envelopes and FIRST CLASS postage to cover the tape weight. You don't need to take thre weeks to deal with an order. 1 Spec-ZX FORTH by Artic ComputingSFORTH v48 and CP Forth 1 Someone interested in being the editor get in touch and then all tips, ideas, help etc. should be referred to him/her to sort through and then produce a magazine or tapezine every month or bi-monthly, or..."''" 1 So, get your act together and stop ripping people off with rubbish, illegal games and don't make 'em wait or struggle to load.": 1 Registration. In the near future you will have to be registered if you run a PD library or bulletin board, which will enforce you not to rip customers off. 1 Quality. If you supply the tape, make sure it is high quality from a reputable manufacturer. Also ensure you save the RUNNING prog. FROM the Spectrum to a GOOD tape deck. 1 PD! Programs featured on covertapes which are reader games and programs featured in the 'type in' section are 1 Once I'm wearing the toga, then what?"'" 1 Mansion miles can be found by driving drom the Keithly's house- N,N,W,N": 1 Insert the token into the Gargoyle. To go over the wall, use the clothes prop and vault wall."'" 1 How do you stop being eaten by a giant cat fish? (Try owning a dogfish! Ed)"'" 1 How do I tell the ghost the answer is Time?"'" 1 How do I reach the hammer?": 1 How do I buy a drink?"'" 1 How do I get Past the night who says NIC?"'" 1 Fire Gun at shadow"'" 1 Drop the Acid Tabletover the Steam Grille"'" 1 At the start, turn off the TV set."'" 1 Any help around the beginning as the adventurer is stuck!"'" 1 All data etc. is sent to me to sort and I put it all into a 'magazine' like ALCHNEWS, and 'members' send the usual tape & SAE.": 1 30 MINUTES 1 1993 Alchemist Research Ltd. " 1 'TYPE HELP' on the library computer"'" 1 that I've recently had"; 1 for ALCHNEWS?"''" 1 about their diabolical"; 1 about some complaints"; 1 Would you like to write"''" 1 Trading Post"''" 1 The Return!"''" 1 Technical Advice"''" 1 TERRORMOLINOS- P. Lewis"''" 1 Supplements for Forth-79"''" 1 Spellunkler: The Future"''" 1 Spectrum PD Libraries"; 1 Special Interest Groups"''" 1 Solution to..."''" 1 Service to customers. 1 Reviews"''" 1 Page two of TERRORMOLINOS"''" 1 Open Letter to all"; 1 Next Issue"'''" 1 Multiface Updates"''" 1 More Details"''" 1 Magic Button Updates"''" 1 Loadlok Competition"''" 1 Introduction"''" 1 How to set it up"''" 1 How to get the book": 1 Help Wanted": 1 Help Wanted"''" 1 HELP!"''" 1 Forthcoming Series"''" 1 Forth Versions"''" 1 Forth User Group Intro."''" 1 Forth Background"''" 1 Extended Keyboard"''" 1 Espionage Island"''" 1 Editorial"; 1 Customising AlchNews"; 1 Book Available"''" 1 AlchNews Compatability"''" 1 Adventures"''" 1 Adventure Link:"''" 1 128k RS232"''" 1 128k Modification to A.N.7": 1 ESPOINAGE ISLAND SOLUTION. 1 ESPIONAGE ISLAND SOLUTION. 1 SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS 1 EXTENDED KEYBOARD. 1 ADVENTURE LINK 1 WRITE TODAY. 1 SUBSCRIBING 1 SPELLUNKLER 1 PUBLIC DOMAIN. 1 OUR ADDRESS. 1 OPEN LETTER. 1 MAGIC BUTTON. 1 INTRODUCTION 1 ADVENTURE LINK 1 TECH TIPS. 1 Summing Up 1 MULTIFACE 1 FRONT ENDS 1 ADVENTURES 1 ABRUPT END 1 REVIEWS. 1 LOADLOK. 1 EDITORIAL. 1 EDITORIAL. 1 HELP